The Africa Matter Ambassador Program (AMAP) 2023 for Africans

The Africa Matter Ambassador Program (AMAP) 2023 for Africans

The Africa Matter Ambassador Program (AMAP) 2023 for Africans

Suitably qualified young African individual between the ages of 17 to 29 years of age who will form part of the program from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Uganda, Botswana, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Egypt, Tanzania, Kenya, Algeria, and South Africa who are looking to address the gaps in leadership, accountability and transparency in their region are invited to submit application for the 2023 Africa Matter Ambassador Program (AMAP) that provides 20 successful applicants with critical tools to address these gaps mentioned above.

The Africa Matter Ambassador Program (AMAP) consist of three components which are the bi-monthly educational and interactive sessions with facilitators on different topics like financial literacy, personal development, social entrepreneurship and others which are supplemented with mandatory assignments, the mentorship components where each AMAP Ambassador is assigned a mentor to coach them and lastly, is a community engagement project, where each AMAP Ambassador are required to identify issues that affect their region or country and establish tangible and sustainable solutions to rectify these issues.

The Africa Matter Ambassador Program (AMAP) is a one year blended-learning African leadership development program that provides young African individuals who fall between the age category mentioned above the tools needed to address certain leadership, accountability and transparency gaps in their region or country. The program consists of an online skills development component, a hands-on Community Engagement Project (CEP), cross-continental network building, and mentorship from industry leaders across Africa. With their CEPs, Ambassadors are to identify certain issues that affect their region or country and establish tangible and sustainable solutions to rectify these issues. During the program, each AMAP Ambassador will develop and implement a project that can effectively impact a minimum of 50 people in their border region or country. Thereby making  the program’s broader impact to benefit hundreds of community members across sub-Saharan Africa. Through this process, the AMAP team mentors and guides the Ambassadors to plan, scale, implement, sustain and advise on monitoring and evaluating their projects.

SEE ALSO: Tulane University Sub-Saharan Africa Leadership Awards 2023 in USA

Eligibility for The Africa Matter Ambassador Program (AMAP) 2023 for Africans:

  • Applicants must be young African individuals between the ages of 17 to 29 years of age.
  • Applicants must be willing and ready to form part of the program from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Uganda, Botswana, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Egypt, Tanzania, Kenya, Algeria, and South Africa.

SEE ALSO: 2023 POSSIBLE-Africa Fellowship Programme for early Postdoctoral African Scholars

Application Deadline: November 6, 2022.

Kindly visit the official website for more information

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