Skills4Success Training Program 2022 for Nigerian women

Skills4Success Training Program 2022 for Nigerian women

Skills4Success Training Program 2022 for Nigerian women

The Skills4Success Training Program 2022 is an opportunity for young Nigerian women between the ages of 18 to 25 to earn a Google certification and soft skills with no cost attached.

The Program is an International Youth Foundation(IYF) program in partnership with Paradigm Initiative and funded by

The Skill for success program in Nigeria aims at providing young women between the ages of 18 – 25 with the training needed to secure jobs, learner-ships and other livelihood opportunities in the IT and Digital sector through obtaining one of the four Google certificates (IT Support, Project Management, Data Analytics and UX Design) as well as wrap around services including soft skills and job placement services.

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Skills 4 Success is about improving employment success for young individual, closing skill gaps for in-demand jobs, and more effectively responding to employer and industry needs. This initiative is driven by labor market evidence, best practice research, and informed stakeholder feedback, and supports the governments priority of fostering lifelong learning, skills development, training and employ-ability. It is aimed at closing education and employment gaps and addressing recruitment and retention challenges in the country.

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Please Note: This is a virtual training, so it is important you have a device for accessing the training platforms.

Kindly visit the official website for more information

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