The GIZ-SAIS Investment Readiness Programme 2023 for African Agtech Start-ups

The GIZ-SAIS Investment Readiness Programme 2023 for African Agtech Start-ups

The GIZ-SAIS Investment Readiness Programme 2023 for African Agtech Start-ups

Suitably qualified African Agtech Start-ups from the agriculture, food, and livestock sectors are invited to submit application for the 2023 GIZ-SAIS Investment Readiness Programme which offers a year-long tailor made support program to make Agtech Start-ups investor ready and scale up their business.

The GIZ-SAIS is a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work committed to shape a future worth living around the world with actions guided by the principles of sustainability. The organisation believe that only by combining social responsibility, ecological balance and economic capability will current and future generations be able to lead secure and dignified lives. The organisation advocate respect for human rights, equal opportunities and integrity.

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Eligibility for The GIZ-SAIS Investment Readiness Programme 2023 for African Agtech Start-ups:

  • Start-ups must have to be registered and operate in Africa.
  • Start-ups must have to provide a certificate of registration.
  • Start-ups must have a founding team of at least two people who work ideally full time.
  • Start-ups founding and management team should have entrepreneurial and technical experience in their area of operation.
  • Start-ups must have a viable digital product that positively impacts the incomes of its customers.
  • Start-ups product must have a positive impact on the African AgTech, FoodTech or livestock sector, as well as vertical sectors that have an influence like eCommerce, FinTech, Logistics, EdTech etc.
  • Start-ups must have launched their digital product at least six months before the application period.
  • Start-ups has to provide evidence of traction (customer base, first revenue).
  • Start-ups should have an easily understandable and convincing business model.
  • Start-ups should have a clear statement of the problem, clear digital solution, clear customer segment, and clear revenue stream.
  • Start-ups must have women in their founding team or as senior managers.
  • Start-ups or one of their founding team members must have an IT background.
  • Start-ups and their founding team members must have previous start-up experience.
  • Start-ups must target a vulnerable group of customers with their product.

Benefits of The GIZ-SAIS Investment Readiness Programme 2023 for African Agtech Start-ups:

  • Structured around several key themes to develop start-up further like: Pitch Training, Growth Strategy, Data Analytics & Management, Term Sheet, Valuation, Market Analysis, Marketing and Sales.
  • To get start-ups a workplace for 6 months and facilitate contacts with major players in the local start-up scene, if need be.
  • To optimize certain key areas of start-ups business like: legal advice, online marketing, digital product optimization, design, and coding.

SEE ALSO: William Thomas Williams Honours Bursary 2023 at James Cook University in Australia

Application Deadline: October 31, 2022.

Kindly visit the official website for more information

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